Hair removal can be a tedious task, and this is both due to pain and effectiveness. Many turn to waxing because it is a quick way to remove the hair from the root. The results last longer than shaving, and you can do it either from your home or at a salon. In theory, waxing your upper lip sounds like a no-brainer, but the age-old question remains: Will waxing your upper lip actually cause the hair to grow back thicker? It can be hard to decide if you should take the risk and wax, or if you should just opt for an alternative hair removal method. Olivia Stephens Hair Salon & Spa, a hair salon spa in Palm Beach, has shared some important information to know before you start waxing.
Understanding Waxing
Before you decide if waxing is your hair removal method of choice, it is best to learn about how it works. Essentially, the hot wax is meant to open up your pores. Look at the hair and try to make the application in the direction that the growth is in. This will help your removal process. After being applied to the skin, it hardens slightly to form a seal. Then the sticky waxing strip is placed onto the wax to begin the removal process.
You should be waxing against the direction of the hair growth, if possible. In one swift motion, peel the strip off in order to avoid damaging the skin underneath. You do not need to be rough and hasty during this step, but try to remove the strip in a quick and controlled manner. The American Academy of Dermatology explains that you should soothe your skin with something cooling post waxing.
Because the area is going to be inflamed and potentially irritated, applying something cool is going to help reduce the discomfort. An ice pack and some moisturizer normally do the trick. Remember to be conscious of fragrance and any other pore-clogging oils. Your pores are going to be enlarged after you wax the area, so try not to use any products that will clog them immediately.
Will the Hair Grow Back Thicker?
Livestrong weighs in on the big question that surrounds facial waxing: Can you expect thicker hair to grow back in its place? This is actually a myth that tends to circulate throughout the beauty community. They go on to explain that long before you even see a hair emerge from your skin, the growth process has already been taking place underneath the surface. This means that, even if you wax down to the root of the hair, the growth actually takes place on a deeper level.
One downside to waxing is that you could actually damage your hair bulbs. This is what rests in your follicle and holds the actual hair in place. If you wax frequently, you are removing the source of nourishment for any future hair growth. While this can lessen hair growth, it can also cause irritation, or even ingrown hairs. It is not guaranteed that you will cause this damage when you wax, but it is a risk that should be kept in mind.
Another major factor on hair growth is your genetics. Even if you choose to wax your upper lip on a regular basis, your hair might be growing back thicker simply because that is how your genes and hormones operate. Sometimes, this cause can be outside of your control. Everybody is unique, so what works for some might not work the same way for you.
Salon vs. Home Removal
If you are considering waxing, you will need to decide if you are going to wax yourself or utilize the help of a professional. There is no automatic right choice when it comes to this; it all depends on your own preference. Some are comfortable with taking on the task of waxing at home. An upper lip wax is relatively quick and easy to manage, so if you want to go for it, make sure that you buy a waxing kit that won’t irritate your skin. Nowadays, there are tons of organic options available at your local store. Each kit will come with easy-to-follow instructions, but another thing to keep in mind is that you should have adequate hair growth before you wax. If there isn’t enough hair for the wax to adhere to, you might end up burning your skin.
Going to a salon is a way to leave matters in someone else’s hands — literally! Almost every salon provides waxing services, even nail salons. The pricing is not much different from at-home waxing, so the choice lies within your comfort level. If you would rather sit back and let an esthetician wax your upper lip, this is a convenient choice. Doing this at a salon is also a way to ensure that your hair will be removed as close to the root as possible, and in as few steps as possible. No matter which option you decide on, waxing is still an effective way to remove any unwanted upper lip hair.