Porcelain vs. Composite Veneers

Porcelain vs. Composite Veneers
Porcelain vs. Composite Veneers
Porcelain vs. Composite Veneers

If you are considering getting dental veneers, there are a few things to think about. For one, there are a couple different types of veneers that you can purchase. The two best and most common types are porcelain and composite. Which one is the better choice though? Look below at the differences and decide for yourself.

What Are Dental Veneers?

You may be wondering exactly what a dental veneer is. A dental veneer is made to correct several dental issues that may arise. A dentist ultimately decides what is the best course of treatment. A veneer is a personally made material, porcelain or composite, that will fit over existing teeth.

According to Fusion Dental Care, a cosmetic dentist in Raleigh, dental veneers can greatly improve the appearance of teeth or even change the shape. This can boost confidence and have you smiling big again.

You can read more about dental veneers at Colgate.

What Are Dental Veneers Used for?

Regardless of whether the dental veneers are made from porcelain or composite resin, they both serve a purpose and can help bring a solution to some of the following issues. If you have any of these issues listed, then you may want to consider dental veneers for yourself.

Here is a list of some of the possible reasons people choose to get dental veneers:

  • Misshaped teeth. This can be due to injury or genetics. Either way, dental veneers are an affordable solution.
  • Crooked teeth
  • Broken teeth
  • Teeth that have been chipped
  • Spaces between teeth. This is a much healthier route than the risky things people have been trying with the latest DIY fixes.
  • Stained teeth. This is usually done when the teeth have been severely stained and cannot be brightened. Remember, excessive use of teeth whiteners can weaken the enamel and cause other issues, leaving the teeth weak and unhealthy. Dental veneers are a positive solution.
  • Visible fillings

Which One Is Better?

So, to answer the question, porcelain veneers are better for adults. While a composite veneer offers the same solution to the issues listed above for a lower price, porcelain veneers have a very long list of positive aspects that trump the traditional composite resin veneers.

However, children are better off with composite resin veneers. There are several reasons for this:

  • They cost a lot less.
  • The maintenance of composite is a lot less crucial than porcelain.
  • The time that it takes to put on the composite veneers is much shorter. Kids can get very impatient and start to wiggle. The sooner the procedure is done, the better everything will be for the child.

What About Adults?

As stated above, porcelain veneers are better for adults. The reason is due to the upkeep. Adults take better care of their teeth and often need a permanent or at least a long-term fix to the issue. Children will often outgrow any problems they may have as they start to get their adult teeth.

It is important to know why porcelain veneers are better for adults. Below is a list of many reason as to why porcelain is much than the traditional composite resin veneers.

Here is a list of the reasons why porcelain veneers are better for adults rather than composite resin:

  • They are stain resistant. Adults drink coffee or tea more than most children. The veneers you purchase as an adult will need to last longer than a child’s will. That is why it is important to purchase a porcelain set. They can resist stains much better than the composite resin veneers.
  • The appearance. Porcelain veneers are much more real looking than composite resin. It is hard to tell if a porcelain veneer is someone’s actual tooth or a porcelain veneer.
  • Low invasiveness. With porcelain veneers you get to keep a lot of your actual tooth. The dentist will only have to take off a very small amount, if any, when placing a porcelain veneer. This is a much better procedure because you will get to keep most of your real tooth.
  • They last longer. Porcelain veneers last much longer than the traditional composite resin. That is why they are highly recommended for adults because they have their permanent teeth versus baby teeth that will fall out in time anyway.

You can read more information on porcelain veneers at WebMD.

So, now that you know porcelain veneers are great for adults and composite resin veneers are great for children, you can make the best decision. If you would like more information on dental veneers you can watch this helpful YouTube video.